The Best Shows that Celebrate Engineering
-We have put together a list of some of the best shows that celebrate engineering.
0Engineering breakthroughs – thanks to NASA
-We love all things engineering and are interested in how these steps forward happen, that is why we have put together a list of engineering breakthroughs thanks to NASA and their involvement in the space race and war.
The World’s Deepest Mine
-At Prime Engineering we think the large scale machinery and intricate processes to attain valuable minerals is interesting and marvellous, and the AngloGold Ashanti’s Mponeng Gold Mine is the pinnacle!
How Marchionne turned Chrysler/Fiat around
-Taking Chrysler’s failing business and transforming it to an unprecedented performance level for the decade. Problem-solving is our forte at Prime Engineering and we believe the mindset and know-how of Marchionne is one to be emulated